Patients will be contacted by NHS England when their smears test is due. Patients should then contact the surgery to make an appointment with a Practice Nurse. Patients should bear in mind that the smear is best taken around mid-cycle and cannot be taken during a bleed.
The results are sent to patients via post by NHS England and a copy is also sent to the Practice. It generally takes 2-3 weeks for results to arrive.
The recall schedule for patients with normal results is as follows:
- patients aged between 25 and 49 years you will be recalled every 3 years
- patients aged between 50 and 64 years every 5 years.
Borderline or abnormal smear tests will be managed according to the national protocols , where referral on to hospital out patients is needed, the lab will arrange this directly.
For more information about smears click here – NHS Choices.