Childhood Immunisation Clinic

Our medical staff provide the national child immunisation vaccination program. Clinics for this run on Mondays between 1pm and 5pm. Sister Christina Russell is our childhood vaccination clinical lead. In exceptional circumstances child vaccinations can be arranged at other times provided appropriate medical staff are on the premises at the time.

Current Vaccination Schedule

8 weeks

6-in-1 vaccine, given as a single jab containing vaccines to protect against six separate diseases: diphtheria; tetanus; whooping cough (pertussis); polio; Haemophilus influenzae type b, known as Hib, a bacterial infection that can cause severe pneumonia or meningitis in young children; and hepatitis B

Pneumococcal (PCV) vaccine

Rotavirus vaccine

Men B vaccine

12 weeks

6-in-1 vaccine, second dose

Rotavirus vaccine, second dose

16 weeks

6-in-1 vaccine, third dose

Pneumococcal (PCV) vaccine, second dose

Men B vaccine second dose

One year

Hib/Men C vaccine, given as a single jab containing vaccines against meningitis C (first dose) and Hib (fourth dose)

Measles, mumps and rubella (MMR) vaccine, given as a single jab

Pneumococcal (PCV) vaccine, third dose

Men B vaccine, third dose

2-8 years (including children in reception class and school years 1 to 4)

Children’s flu vaccine (annual)

3 years and 4 months

Measles, mumps and rubella (MMR) vaccine, second dose

4-in-1 pre-school booster, given as a single jab containing vaccines against: diphtheria, tetanus, whooping cough (pertussis) and polio

12-13 years (girls only)

HPV vaccine, which protects against cervical cancer – two injections given 6-12 months apart

14 years

3-in-1 teenage booster, given as a single jab containing vaccines against diphtheria, tetanus and polio

Men ACWY vaccine, given as a single jab containing vaccines against meningitis A, C, W and Y