Comments and Suggestions

  • Comments or suggestions can be forwarded to our “Comments and Suggestion” email Box, which is [email protected]  – alternatively we have a paper based Comments and Suggestions Box in the reception area.
  • Please note that these Comments and Suggestion Boxes (email and paper based) are for general comments, suggestions and compliments only. Please do not use the Comments and Suggestion Boxes to forward any personal medical or clinical enquiries. The email is only viewed every 2-3 weeks by clerical staff and individual responses to comments are not routinely made. Requests for prescriptions, home visits and appointments via this email will not be acted upon.
  • The emails and paper based comments will be retrieved once or twice each month and will be taken to our practice meeting for discussion by the whole primary care team.
  • The aim of our Comments and Suggestion Boxes is to allow patients and their relatives to pass on their views and ideas to us easily. Due to time restraints we will not be able to reply to individual comments, however, any good ideas or common suggestions will be dealt with. We will issue an annual audit of the contents of both Comments and Suggestion Boxes and any actions taken.
  • The Comments and Suggestion Boxes are not suitable for placing formal complaints as they are not accessed frequently enough and they are not directly overseen by our complaints manager. If you have a formal complaint which requires an individual response or action, please contact our Practice Manager.