Please do not attend the surgery if you are in your isolation spell or awaiting a PCR result

Posted by: jessicaormrod - Posted on:

which test

Thank you to all of those working with us to keep our vulnerable patients safe when they need to access healthcare.

However, a reminder, if you have:

new onset cough ,

new fever

new loss/ altered sense of taste/smell

… this requires isolation until a negative PCR swab test result has been received (booked via 119 or online), or until isolation completed where positive.

Lateral flow tests are not a reliable test in symptomatic people.

We have seen many examples of patients with a cough , a negative lateral flow test, but a more accurate positive PCR swab over the months.

We have had 2 patients attend face to face appointments this week about unrelated issues, that have had undeclared symptoms and when tested have been Covid positive.

We all owe it to patients needing to attend the surgery, who are on chemotherapy , who are immunocompromised or are very high risk for Covid complications, to avoid creating unnecessary risk.

In line with National guidance, we continue to clean down clinic rooms between patients and to wear PPE for all contacts . We continue to expect surgery attendees to wear a face covering and to distance.

Be assured that we do have access to Covid safe clinical assessment clinics with adequate upgraded PPE and ventilation where needed – but these patients should not be attending our surgery.

We understand that we are all weary of the pandemic. We acknowledge that rules in lower risk areas have been significantly relaxed, but the pandemic is still ongoing. Healthcare provision environments deal in far higher risk situations – so thank you again for helping us by co-operating with the national guidance in place.