- All of our nurses and doctors have been trained and keep up to date with management of airways diseases such as asthma and Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (also often referred to as COPD, emphysema or chronic bronchitis).
- We run a structured respiratory condition management service for routine monitoring of asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.
- Administration staff arrange appointments and reminders where necessary.
- Appointments are arranged for the nurse led clinic . In this clinic appropriate respiratory tests are done, such as peak flow monitoring or spirometry and examination is undertaken.
- Advice and information is given and alteration of treatment is arranged where necessary.
- If a patient’s condition necessitates assessment by a doctor this is arranged.
- Where necessary smoking clinic referrals, further investigations such as chest X-ray or specialist referral is arranged.
- If at any time a patient’s condition requires medical input outside of the routine clinics, this can be arranged in the usual way through surgery appointments or home visits.
- Appointments for these monitoring clinics are allocated throughout the week between 10am and 5pm. Appointments are sent through the post when scheduled or can be booked via reception.
Further Information about Asthma and COPD can be found at: