Equality and Diversity

  • Disabled access
    The surgery entrance has a ramp, push button electronic doors and wide doors to allow for wheelchair access. All of our consultation rooms are wheelchair accessible.


  • Services for the Disabled
    If you have a disability and you require assistance, please ask at Reception where one of our receptionists will be pleased to help you.


  • For the Deaf and Hard of Hearing
    Hearing Loops
    Whitworth Medical Centre now has the facility of a hearing loop. Please adjust your hearing aid to the necessary frequency.


  • For the Blind and those with Sight Impairment
    Patient Leaflet
    Our Patient leaflet is available in large print for those who are partially sighted. Please ask at Reception if you require a booklet in large print.


  • For Physically Disabled
    • Disabled Toilets
      Disabled toilets are available on the ground floor.
    • Mobility Scooters
      These buggies are generally for outdoor use only. If you use one of these and are unable to walk for any distance, it would be appreciated if you could transfer to our wheelchair. Please ask a receptionist for assistance.